Educational projects
Course offers
We offer educational activities tailored to teachers and pupils.
While working on an opera or dance project, student groups can also explore our Opera's inner workings.
Here are some of our offers for student groups:
- Visit the Opéra national du Rhin’s various venues
- Visit the Choreography Center in Mulhouse
- Workshops related to your school curriculum
- Attend opera or dance rehearsals or ballet classes
For more information, contact: jeunes@onr.fr
- Dance workshops with professional ballet dancers
For more information, contact: pnocera@onr.fr
Teacher training
The Opéra national du Rhin organizes several programs for the official teacher training curriculum together with the public schooling authority of Strasbourg.
Information: Délégation Académique à l’Action Culturelle +33 (0)3 88 23 39 16 - www.ac-strasbourg.fr
We offer info days and workshops for young teachers as well as continuing education programs.
Information: jeunes@onr.fr
Subsidized projects
Projects managed by the OnR may be funded by public educational agencies and municipal administrations. Information (in French) is available on the website of the Académie de Strasbourg : ac-strasbourg.fr/pedagogie/daac
Students and the Opera
Part of the Opéra national du Rhin's mission is to train students in arts, music, dance and cultural management programs. We also promote public awareness by partnering with student associations and related organizations.
Some of our joint education projects:
- Music Teacher Training College (CFMI) in Sélestat, the conservatories of Strasbourg and Mulhouse, Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR), the universities of Strasbourg and Mulhouse, the Maison Universitaire Internationale, ENGEES, INET, ENSAT, Sciences Po Strasbourg, etc.
- Teaching: ESPE Strasbourg and Colmar, University of Education Karlsruhe, etc.
- Technical trades: several technical high schools with the support of our set design and costume departments.
The Opéra national du Rhin works with the student association CROUS in Strasbourg to organize a performing arts program for students who are new to the field.
Dance at the University
Each season, the artists and ballet dancers of the OnR offer campus workshops in Strasbourg and Mulhouse, where they perform choreographies to highlight the key points of each piece and get in touch with the students. For more info, contact: pnocera@onr.fr
Academic stars
The Cercle Gutenberg plans to bring together the University of Strasbourg, the Maison pour la science en Alsace, the OnR, and school teachers for "Les Étoiles du savoir." This project will allow interested final-year pupils to meet leading academics from the region in a relaxed setting before they go to university.
Strasbourg loves its students
Every year the OnR invites around 50 university students as part of the "Strasbourg aime ses étudiants" project. Students get free tickets to a show and can attend future events at a reduced rate, if they hold a Carte culture.
Information desks
To build ties to its future audience, the OnR visits an event at the campus restaurant Resto’ U Esplanade every year. For more info and dates for the 2018/19 season, contact: jeunes@onr.fr