Librairie Kléber, Salle Blanche
Sanskrit, between eternity and present time
Sanskrit is second to none. Practiced for centuries by an elite, the Brahmins, it carries within it a relationship with the gods, fundamental knowledge and has a musical attraction when performed which earned those who had its knowledge an exceptional status. A thousand-year-old language of which we have ancient testimonies in Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia or Laos, is today primarily associated with India because of its great Epics such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Michel Angot will explain both the fascinating distinctiveness of Sanskrit, its practice through centuries up to the Mughal and then British presences.
Meet Michel Angot, philologist with a specialization of Sanskrit literature and philosophy, he has taught at the University of Nanterre, Inalco and EHESS. In addition to scholarly books, he has published major synthesis works such as L'Inde classique, Paroles de Brahmanes, Histoire des Indes and recently Les Mythes des Indes.