Julie Goussot
Artiste lyrique • soprano
Julie Goussot discovered lyrical singing within the master's degree at the Toulon Opera under the baton of Giuliano Carella. In addition to her design studies, the soprano received her DEM (Diplôme d'Études Musicales) with excellent honors from the jury unanimously in Nîmes. Encouraged by her teacher from Nîmes Daniel Salas, she entered the competition for the CNSMD (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse) in Lyon in 2016. She was admitted and joined the class of Brian Parsons, then Mireille Delunsch. She perfected her studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München in the class of Andreas Schmidt.
Winner of several international competitions, she was noticed and rewarded by the Center Français de Promotion Lyrique prize awarded by Mr Raymond Duffaut in 2015 in Arles, then the Young Talent prize at the Béziers competition and more recently the public prize at the 3rd competition Jeune Espoir Raymond Duffaut by the Opéra Grand Avignon in 2017. The Cercle Richard Wagner Lyon awarded her a grant to go to Bayreuth for the Wagner Festspiele 2018.
An accomplished artist, she has performed in Edgar Varèse's Offrandes with the CNSM orchestra under the baton of Fabrice Pierre, as well as in creations including Isadora by Emmanuelle da Costa under the baton of Guillemette Daboval. We found her again in Mendelssohn's A Summer Night's Dream, Camille Saint-Saëns's Christmas Oratorio and Poulenc's Gloria under the baton of Marko Letonja with the Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra.
With his friend, met on the benches of the CNSMD, the pianist Rodolphe Lospied, they performed in chamber music duo under the name of Duo Symbiose. Fascinated by the repertoire of melody and lied, they received valuable advice from David Selig, Charles Bouisset and Hartmut Höll.
Curious by nature and cheerful to discover repertoire, she participates in the "Opera Déconfiné" project, that aims at revaluing repertoire long trapped in oblivion.
She played Peaseblossom in A midsummer night's dream by Benjamin Britten, The Princess in L'Enfant et Les Sortilèges by Maurice Ravel, First Witch in Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell, the title role Cinderella by Jules Massenet.
Joining the Opera Fuoco troupe, she was Luise in Die Stumme Serenade by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Romilda in Xerxes by Händel, Barberina in Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart, as well as Cintia in Il Pittor Parigino by Cimarosa.
She took her first steps on the Strasbourg scene, joining the new Opera Studio troupe for the 2019/20 season in Rusalka as Second Nymph by Dvořák, Vierte Blumenmädchen in Parsifal by Wagner. Then for the 2020/21 season, she will be Gretel in Hansel und Gretel by Humperdinck, the title role of Friederike de Lehàr, the title role of Madame Chrysanthème de Messager, and Clorinda in the new production of Cenerentolina.
In August 2020, she won the Concerto Theresia prize and the 1st Nachwuchspreis at the Cesti International Competition. She will be part of the Young Singers Project "Barockoper Jung" at the next Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik 2021.
Update October 2020