Alain Trividic
Born in 1979 in Perpignan (France). After the National Regional Conservatory of Perpignan, he continued his training at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris, then at the Junior Ballet in 1998. He was hired at the Ballet de l'OnR in 1999. Main roles: The Prince of pagodas (the King of the South),Dichterliebe, Mourir étonne and Le Lac des cygnes (Rothbart) by Bertrand d'At; Theme and variations by George Balanchine; The Ermine Walls by Claude Brumachon; Dance, Chamber Symphony, Oedipus Rex (Oedipus) and Songs from Before by Lucinda Childs; Por vos muero by Nacho Duato; Flockwork by Alexander Ekman; Conflict / Acceleration and La Stirpe di Leonardo by Jacopo Godani; Große Fuge by Hans Van Manen, Ondine (the priest) by David Nixon; Tools by Felix Ruckert; Heinz Spoerli's Goldberg Variations; Un-Black by Garry Stewart; The Nutcracker (the Spanish father and the cadets) and Coppélia (Frantz) by Jo Strømgren; La Strada by Mario Pistoni (Zampano),Untouched by Azure Barton, The Rite of Spring by Stephan Thoss, Le Vaste Enclos des songes by Sébastien Perrault, Jeunehomme by Uwe Scholz (Pas de deux), Les Beaux dormants by Hélène Blackburn .
Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin